I read both chairmen's comments with amusement and thought they would be better if they were fixed as follows:
“Governor Palin has quickly emerged as one of the mostpopularhilarious and recognizable faces in the Republican Party, and we arehonored to havedreading her delivery of the keynote address at the Senate-House dinner. As a proven leader in ethics violations in her home-state of Alaska, Governor Palin representsa breath of fresh air fromthe business-as-usual crowd of Republicans in Washington, and is one of our Party’s up-and-coming younggovernorsposeurs who will play a critical role in ruining our re-building efforts in the years to come. Last fall, she electrified and energizedcrowdsopponents across the country, and we expect she will generate a similar amount ofenthusiasmresistance at this spring’s dinner.” – NRSC Chairman John Cornyn
“On behalf of Congressional Republicans, it is apleasurepity to announce one of thebrightest rising starsdimmest bulbs in the Republican Party, Sarah Palin, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Senate-House dinner. Gov. Palin’s conservativevaluestalking points, hercommendabledubious achievements in Alaska and the sheer energy pantyhose she personifies make her one of the most compellingvisionariessex symbols of our Party.WithI'll try to feign respect, admiration and enthusiasm,I look forward toas I welcominge her to Washington and await theinspirationalvacuous address our Party doesn't needs, as it rebuilds and prepares for avictoriousviscious election cycle.” – NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions
As it turns out, GINO may not be going after all. I wonder how excited Cornyn and Sessions will be the next time they see her?